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setting up camp: C-U Comedy
Released on SEPTEMBER 17, 2021 from Champaign, Illinois
Jesse and Justin Tuttle have personified the meaning of independence for their entire lives. Now, after more than 10 years of running Champaign-Urbana Comedy, the brothers show no signs of slowing down.
CREATED BY | Dave Rediger
DIRECTED BY | Dave Rediger
PRODUCED BY | camp nostalgic studios TM
EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS | Dave Rediger, Gela Rediger
COMPOSED BY | Alex Duquette
LOGO BY | Gela Rediger
ANIMATION BY | Gela Rediger
EDITED BY | Dave Rediger
THANK YOU: Austin Beaty, Chris Starman, Dan "Pee Wee" Kelly, Don Gerard, Dustin Danger, Heather Roberts, Jeff Ellis, Loui and the staff of Grovestone, Michelle Lore, Murlio Zurdo, Nancy Galyen, Pamela and the staff of Nola's Rock Bar, Ramin and the staff of Pizzeria Antica, Sasa Nikoli
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